Though this mission is daunting at times, I am so glad it is mine. Ministering to young people, walking with them through this life, and preparing them for marriage is where I thrive and my heart is full.
I have studied Theology and Psychology for a number of years and have a Pontifical Masters Degree in Marriage and Family Theology. I have been ministering to young women for over a decade now and love it more and more every day.
John Paul II is one of my biggest inspirations especially when it comes to forming young people. His writings have influenced my own life and I continue to learn from his wisdom and witness daily. He had a heart for young people in the Church, as do I. In his example I have dedicated my life to minister to young people in the Church. Specifically to minister to them in the marriage formation space.
I truly believe that uncovering the beauty and preparing for marriage well will change the culture for the better. Marriage and the family are under attack and very misunderstood. We must reclaim a proper understanding of marriage and the family and form ourselves to best be able to live out our vocation.
I’m most likely coming up with a dozen new ideas of how to serve you with an ice cold coke in hand.
Having REAL conversations with people where we talk about life and faith and how they are interconnected and how one thing effects the other. Helping young people integrate their lives and their faith is what keeps me going. If I can help a young person come to know how valued and beloved they are in the eyes of God and their fellow man, and share with them the design that God has for our lives and have that change their life… I would consider my job done.
I moved across the world to Austria for Grad school to study Marriage and Family Theology. I always knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur and I LOVE learning so I thought what better way to see the world, learn, and come up with a plan than to move across the world!
I got sick over in Austria, came home and got a diagnosis… Lyme disease… Went back over to Austria hopeful to finish out my last year. I lasted only a month and had to return home for aggressive treatment. I finished out that semester online and focused on getting healthy again.
COVID hit and I was unable to continue in school. I took a leap of faith to start the business and The BLVED Collective was established in May of 2020. At that time I started offering 1:1 coaching services while I figured out a way to finish my degree and finally write my dream project.
I moved to Virginia to “study abroad” at a school in DC that my university in Austria would accept credits from. I graduated in June with my Masters in Theology specialized in Marriage and Family. Over the summer I wrote and filmed Made BLVED - my dream project. In October I launched Made BLVED out into the world.
The Dear BLVED podcast launched in April and the BLVED Co Shop in August. I have found such joy in new ways to serve and spread this mission I was tasked with. Made BLVED has continued to grow and I have been so humbled seeing how it is transforming peoples lives.
I moved back to Buffalo, NY and Kelsey came on to be a cohost of the podcast which we rebranded to the Learning to Flourish Podcast. I continued offering my programs and made appearances at several conferences to sell my products.
The Karol Project was born and studies on the works of John Paul II began. Late 2024 brought about several changes. The BLVED Co. Shop closed its doors and we rebranded the business to Let's Be Saints Co.
We will be in touch soon.